
Thursday, October 20, 2016

I created this after watching and then reading the most recent updates on the Ebola outbreaks, both over seas as well as in the United States.  It is not meant to be humorous.

This is now becoming a confluence of Murphy's Law, SNAFU and FUBAR.  For good measure, I would like to throw in this one, CDC&P which normally stands for The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  My opinion is that it now stands for The Centers For Disease Confusion and Propaganda.

The head of the CDC says that flights in and out of the afflicted countries should not be restricted as it would make getting aid workers in and out of those countries difficult.  He is supposedly a well educated man.  Just curious if he has ever heard of charter flights and exclusionary clauses. Apparently not.  As it is, news broadcasters have repeatedly noted that most aid workers already use charter flights when ever the fly in or out of hot zones.

Ask yourself how much confidence you have in the people who are supposed to serving and protecting us.  That is the principal reason why they are elected.  How are they doing so far?  Do you feel protected?  Do you feel confident that they have everything under control?  If so, you are a braver person than I.   

But don't worry, our president, the CDC and hospital officials have told us repeatedly how difficult it is to catch this disease and how "unlikely" it is that it will spread to the United States.  Tell that to the thousands that are estimated to have already contracted the disease and died or are dying from it and the possible one million who will be infected by January.    

Who and where are the leaders of our country?  -Tom


  1. I think our leaders know exactly what they're doing and they're doing it on purpose. It'a blatant hatred for the American people. We have to protect ourselves. If everyone stops flying or staying in hotels or avoiding hospitals the message will also be blatant...we aren't going to take it any more!
